UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM U-3A-2 STATEMENT CLAIMING EXEMPTION UNDER RULE U-3A-2 FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT OF 1935 SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) California 88-0085720 (State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S. Employer incorporation or organization) Idenification No.) 5241 Spring Mountain Road Post Office Box 98510 Las Vegas, Nevada (Address of principal executive offices) Robert M. Johnson Assistant General Counsel Southwest Gas Corporation 5241 Spring Mountain Road P.O. Box 98510 Las Vegas, NV 89193-8510 (name and address of agent for service) The Commission is requested to send copies of all notices, orders and communications in connection with this Form U- 3A-2 to: Margaret A. Moore Van Ness Feldman, P.C. Seventh Floor 1050 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007STATEMENT BY HOLDING COMPANY CLAIMING EXEMPTION UNDER RULE U-3A-2 FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT OF 1935 SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION hereby files with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 2, its statement claiming exemption as a holding company from the provisions of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended (Act), and submits the following information. 1. NAME, STATE OF ORGANIZATION, LOCATION AND NATURE OF BUSINESS OF CLAIMANT AND EVERY SUBSIDIARY THEREOF, OTHER THAN ANY EXEMPT WHOLESALE GENERATOR (EWG) OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY IN WHICH CLAIMANT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY HOLDS AN INTEREST. CLAIMANT Southwest Gas Corporation (Southwest) is incorporated under the laws of the State of California and has its principal place of business at 5241 Spring Mountain Road, P.O. Box 98510, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8510. Southwest is directly engaged in the business of purchasing, transporting, and distributing natural gas to 1,531,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in portions of Arizona, Nevada and California. Southwest's operations are overseen by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN), and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). These commissions regulate Southwest's rates, practices, facilities, and service territories in Arizona, Nevada, and California. The CPUC also regulates the issuance of all securities by Southwest, with the exception of short-term borrowings. Certain accounting practices, transmission facilities, and rates are subject to regulation by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). NONUTILITY SUBSIDIARIES Paiute Pipeline Company (Paiute), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Southwest, is a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada and has its principal place of business at 5241 Spring Mountain Road, P.O. Box 98510, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8510. Paiute operates an interstate gas transmission system and liquified natural gas storage facilities in northern Nevada. Southwest Gas Transmission Company ("SGTC"), a partnership made up of Southwest and a wholly-owned subsidiary, Utility Financial Corporation, and has its principal place of business at 5241 Spring Mountain Road, P.O. Box 98510, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8510. SGTC operates an interstate gas transmission system in southern Nevada. Northern Pipeline Construction Co. (Northern), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Southwest, is a corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada and has its principal place of business at 5241 Spring Mountain Road, P.O. Box 98510, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8510. Northern is a full-service underground piping contractor, which provides utility companies with trenching and installation, replacement, and maintenance services for energy distribution systems. UTILITY SUBSIDIARY Black Mountain Gas Company (Black Mountain) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Southwest. Black Mountain is incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal place of business at 6021 East Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek, AZ 85331. Black Mountain is now a propane utility serving retail gas customers in northern Arizona. Black Mountain's utility operation, which is regulated by the ACC, is located in Page, Arizona. The Page operations includes an ACC regulated propane vapor distribution system in Page, Arizona, which serves approximately 1,340 residential and small commercial customers, and a non-regulated bulk propane sales operation that serves approximately 650 customers in and around Page, Arizona. 2. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTIES OF CLAIMANT AND EACH OF ITS SUBSIDIARY PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES USED FOR THE GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FOR SALE, OR FOR THE PRODUCTION, TRANSMISSION, AND DISTRIBUTION OF NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED GAS, INDICATING THE LOCATION OF PRINCIPAL GENERATING PLANTS, TRANSMISSION LINES, PRODUCING FIELDS, GAS MANUFACTURING PLANTS, AND ELECTRIC AND GAS DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES, INCLUDING ALL SUCH PROPERTIES WHICH ARE OUTSIDE THE STATE IN WHICH CLAIMANT AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES ARE ORGANIZED AND ALL TRANSMISSION OR PIPELINES WHICH DELIVER OR RECEIVE ELECTRIC ENERGY OR GAS AT THE BORDERS OF SUCH STATE. Southwest's properties consist primarily of transmission and distribution mains, compressor stations, peak shaving/storage plants, service lines, meters, and regulators which comprise the pipeline systems and facilities located in and around the communities served. These communities include most of central and southern Arizona, including the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas, northern Nevada and the Las Vegas metropolitan area, and the Lake Tahoe area and the high desert and mountain areas in San Bernardino County, California. Southwest also includes other properties such as land, buildings, furnishings, work equipment, vehicles and software systems in plant investment. The northern Nevada and northern California properties of Southwest are referred to as the northern system; the Arizona, southern Nevada, and southern California properties are referred to as the southern system. Several properties are leased by Southwest, including a LNG storage plant on its northern Nevada system, a portion of the corporate headquarters office complex located in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the administrative offices in Phoenix, Arizona. Total gas plant, exclusive of leased property, at December 31, 2003 was approximately $3.1 billion, including construction work in progress. Southwest operates two primary pipeline transmission systems: (i) the system owned by Paiute, Southwest's nonutility subsidiary, extending from the Idaho-Nevada border to the Reno, Sparks, and Carson City areas and communities in the Lake Tahoe area in both California and Nevada and other communities in northern Nevada; and (ii) a system extending from the Colorado River at the southern tip of Nevada to the Las Vegas distribution area. As discussed above, Black Mountain owns a propane vapor distribution system located in Page, Arizona, and properties related to its bulk propane sales. Black Mountain holds other properties appurtenant to its propane operations. 3. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE LAST CALENDAR YEAR WITH RESPECT TO CLAIMANT AND EACH OF ITS SUBSIDIARY PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES: a. NUMBER OF KWH OF ELECTRIC ENERGY SOLD (AT RETAIL OR WHOLESALE) AND MCF OF NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED GAS DISTRIBUTED AT RETAIL. Southwest sold 108,690,917 Mcf of natural gas at retail and transported 128,671,877 Mcf of natural gas. Black Mountain sold 113,954 Mcf of propane gas at retail. b. NUMBER OF KWH OF ELECTRIC ENERGY AND MCF OF NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED GAS DISTRIBUTED AT RETAIL OUTSIDE THE STATE IN WHICH EACH SUCH COMPANY IS ORGANIZED. Southwest sold 102,046,326 Mcf of natural gas outside of the State in which it is organized, and transported 125,494,016 Mcf of natural gas outside of the State in which it is organized. Black Mountain sold 113,954 Mcf of propane gas outside of the State in which it is organized. c. NUMBER OF KWH OF ELECTRIC ENERGY AND MCF OF NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED GAS SOLD AT WHOLESALE OUTSIDE THE STATE IN WHICH EACH SUCH COMPANY IS ORGANIZED, OR AT THE STATE LINE. Southwest sold 60,712 Mcf of natural gas at wholesale outside the State in which it is organized. Black Mountain sold no propane gas at wholesale. d. NUMBER OF KWH OF ELECTRIC ENERGY AND MCF OF NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED GAS PURCHASED OUTSIDE THE STATE IN WHICH EACH SUCH COMPANY IS ORGANIZED OR AT THE STATE LINE. Southwest purchased 104,966,955 Mcf of natural gas outside the State in which it is organized, or at the State line. Black Mountain purchased 113,954 Mcf of propane gas outside the State in which it is organized. 4. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD WITH RESPECT TO CLAIMANT AND EACH INTEREST IT HOLDS DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY IN AN EWG OR A FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY, STATING MONETARY AMOUNTS IN UNITED STATES DOLLARS. a. NAME, LOCATION, BUSINESS ADDRESS AND DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITIES USED BY THE EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY FOR THE GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY FOR SALE OR FOR THE DISTRIBUTION AT RETAIL OF NATURAL OR MANUFACTURED GAS. Not applicable. b. NAME OF EACH SYSTEM COMPANY THAT HOLDS AN INTEREST IN SUCH EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY, AND DESCRIPTION OF THE INTEREST HELD. Not applicable. c. TYPE AND AMOUNT OF CAPITAL INVESTED, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, BY THE HOLDING COMPANY CLAIMING EXEMPTION; ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT GUARANTEE OF THE SECURITY OF THE EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY BY THE HOLDING COMPANY CLAIMING EXEMPTION; AND ANY DEBT OR OTHER FINANCIAL OBLIGATION FOR WHICH THERE IS RECOURSE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, TO THE HOLDING COMPANY CLAIMING EXEMPTION OR ANOTHER SYSTEM COMPANY, OTHER THAN THE EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY. Not applicable. d. CAPITALIZATION AND EARNINGS OF THE EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD. Not applicable. e. IDENTIFY ANY SERVICE, SALES OR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT(S) BETWEEN THE EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY AND A SYSTEM COMPANY, AND DESCRIBE THE SERVICES TO BE RENDERED OR GOODS SOLD AND FEES OR REVENUES UNDER SUCH AGREEMENT(S). Not applicable.
EXHIBIT A A CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF INCOME AND SURPLUS OF THE CLAIMANT AND ITS SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES FOR THE LAST CALENDAR YEAR, TOGETHER WITH A CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET OF CLAIMANT AND ITS SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES AS OF THE CLOSE OF SUCH CALENDAR YEAR. The attached statements show comparative income and balance sheet information for Southwest and Black Mountain for the year ended December 31, 2003. These numbers are provided for comparative purposes only in support of this Statement Claiming Exemption. The information is presented in non-GAAP format. EXHIBIT B AN ORGANIZATIONAL CHART SHOWING THE RELATIONSHIP OF EACH EWG OR FOREIGN UTILITY COMPANY TO ASSOCIATE COMPANIES IN THE HOLDING COMPANY SYSTEM Not Applicable.
The above-named claimant has caused this statement to be duly executed on its behalf by its authorized officer on this 28th day of October 2004. SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION By: Edward A. Janov Senior Vice President/Finance Attest: Robert M. Johnson Assistant General Counsel NAME, TITLE, AND ADDRESS OF OFFICER TO WHOM NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING THIS STATEMENT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED: Robert M. Johnson Assistant General Counsel Southwest Gas Corporation 5241 Spring Mountain Road P.O. Box 98510 Las Vegas, NV 891930-8510 Margaret A. Moore Van Ness Feldman, P.C. Seventh Floor 1050 Thomas Jefferson Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007
Southwest Gas Corporation Black Mountain Gas Combining Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 (Thousands of dollars) Southwest Gas Corporation Black Mountain Assets (Gas Operations) Gas Total Utility Plant Gas Plant $ 3,035,969 $ 4,136 $ 3,040,105 Less: accumulated depreciation (964,309) (2,061) (966,370) Acquisition Adjustments 2,533 - 2,533 Construction Work 33,543 - 33,543 In Progress Net Utility Plant 2,107,736 2,075 2,109,811 Other Property 47,329 571 47,900 and Investments Current and Accrued Assets Cash and Cash 14,175 302 14,477 Equivalents Accounts Receivable, 103,280 375 103,655 Net of Allowances Accrued Utility 66,700 - 66,700 Revenue Deferred Income Taxes 4,178 - 4,178 Deferred Purchased 9,151 - 9,151 Gas Costs Prepaids and Other 113,728 177 113,905 Current Assets Total Current 311,212 854 312,066 And Accrued Assets Deferred charges and 64,098 63 64,161 Other Assets Total Assets $2,530,375 $ 3,563 $2,533,938Southwest Gas Corporation Black Mountain Gas Combining Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 (Thousands of dollars) Capitalization, Liabilities Southwest Gas And Deferred Corporation Black Mountain Credits (Gas Operations) Gas Total Capitalization Common Stock $ 35,862 $ 2,965 $ 38,827 Additional 510,521 - 510,521 Paid-in Capital Retained 84,084 203 84,287 Earnings Total Common 630,467 3,168 633,635 Equity Preferred Equity 100,000 - 100,000 Long-Term 1,117,057 - 1,117,057 Debt, Less Current Maturities Total 1,847,524 3,168 1,850,692 Capitalization Current and Accured Liabilities Current - - - Maturities of Long-Term Debt Short-Term Debt 52,000 - 52,000 Accounts Payable 106,738 190 106,928 Customers Deposits 44,290 132 44,422 Accrued Taxes 32,456 - 32,456 Income Tax Payable - - - Accrued Interest 19,665 - 19,665 Deferred Income - - - Taxes Deferred - - - Purchased Gas Costs Other Current 68,987 73 69,060 Liabilities Total Current 324,136 395 324,531 and Accrued Liabilities Deferred Income Taxes and Other Credits Deferred Income 285,163 - 285,163 Taxes and Investment Tax Credits Other Deferred 73,552 - 73,552 Total 358,715 - 358,715 Deferred Income Taxes And Other Credits Total Capitalization, Liabilities and Deferred Credits $ 2,530,375 $ 3,563 $ 2,533,938
Southwest Gas Corporation Black Mountain Gas Combining Statement of Income Year Ended December 31, 2003 (Thousands of dollars) Southwest Gas Black Mountain TOTAL Corporation Gas (Gas Operations) Operating revenues Natural gas operating revenues $ 1,034,353 $ - $1,034,353 Propane gas - 2,083 (1) 2,083 operating revenues Other - - - Total operating Revenues $ 1,034,353 $ 2,083 $1,036,436 Operating expenses Net cost of natural gas/propane sold 482,503 951 483,454 Operations and Maintenance 266,862 645 267,507 Depreciation and Amortization 120,791 161 120,952 Taxes other than income taxes 35,910 67 35,977 Other - - - Total operating Expense 906,066 1,818 907,890 Operating income 128,287 265 128,546Other income and (expenses) Net interest deductions (76,251) (6) (76,257) Preferred securities distributions (4,180) - (4,180) Other income 2,955 3 2,958 Net interest deductions on subordinated debentures (2,680) (2,680) Total other income and (expenses) (80,156) (3) (80,159) Income before income taxes 48,131 262 48,387 Income tax expense 13,920 6 13,926 Net Income $ 34,211 $ 256 $ 34,461 (1) Propane gas operating revenues of $2,083,000 is comprised of regulated propane revenues of $1,376,000 and non-regulated propane revenues of $707,000. Prepared by: Property Accounting u:\acctshr1\corpdev\xcel energy\Public Utility Holding Company Act Filing for 2003.xls\incomestatement Date rinted: 11/2/2004 12:24 PM